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What the Heck is Shakeology?

Protein shakes and meal replacements seem to be all the rage nowadays with people becoming more involved in their fitness, be it weight loss or bulking up. When I began my journey with Beachbody last year, Shakeology was mentioned to me more than a few times, but I couldn’t quite reason paying $130 for a silly shake. So I said thanks, but no thanks. A year later I purchased another Beachbody program and once again I was told that I should really consider drinking Shakeology. What the heck is so damn special about this shake? I had to find out for myself. So like I do with anything before I buy it, I researched the heck out of it and you know what…I couldn’t find a single bad review! Not to mention I learned a TON and realized that a lot of independent Beachbody coaches aren’t even aware of all of Shakeology’s benefits. As someone who took a LOT of convincing to even consider Shakeology I want to share with you everything I learned on my quest to discover the truth behind Shakeology.

Orange Dream, Iced Mocha, Detox.jpg

*From left to right (Orange Dream Shakeology, Iced Mocha Shakeology, Detox Shakeology.

What is it?

First and foremost let me tell you Shakeology is not, I repeat not, a protein shake. Instead you should think of it as a nutrient-dense shake. Very few people are protein deficient, but according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1 out of 3 American adults have at least one vitamin or mineral deficiency. If you suffer from cravings, mental fog, irritability, or sluggishness then you very well could have a nutrient deficiency. Second, Shakeology is not a weight loss shake. Again I stress, it is a nutrient-dense shake. What many of us tend to forget is that weight loss stems from good nutrition. While not everyone needs to lose weight, everyone does need to maintain good nutrition, which can be hard to come by in today’s market and precisely why Shakeology developed a product bursting with nutrients. Food of the modern world has become depleted of natural occurring nutrients. Factory farming has exhausted soil of its microbes which help maintain fertility and allow the soil to nurture crops. If our soils have poor nutritional value so will the resulting foods. Therefore, over the years nutrient rich crops have been replaced by those that provide very little nutrients due to damaged caused by pesticides and genetic modifications. Biologically, these foods are barely recognizable. Rest assured all of the ingredients in Shakeology originate from high-quality, potent whole-food sources and are minimally processed to ensure the integrity of the product.

What's in it?

So what does Shakeology provide that other shakes on the market do not? Enzymes, MSM, phytonutrients, and it’s all natural! For starters, every function of the human body requires enzymes, from digestion to the creation of new cells. Enzymes are destroyed during the cooking process and being that we cook a majority of the food we eat, we are not ingesting the maximum amount of enzymes possible. Shakeology adds these vital biological molecules to aid bodily functions. Like enzymes, MSM which is and organic compound that contains sulfur, is practically gone from foods by the time we eat them. MSM supports fluidity between cells meaning if you feel tight or stiff MSM in your body is low. Unfortunately it depletes from food within hours of harvest which is why Shakeology considers MSM and essential element to supplement, and is included in every flavor. Then there are phytonutrients. Shakeology strives to select fruits and vegetables with high concentrations of phytonutrients which are plant based chemicals that help protect plants from germs, fungi, bugs, and other threats. While they aren’t crucial for human survival, their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and liver-health-promoting activities do help create healthier tissues meaning you can age with grace! One last important aspect of Shakeology to mention is the fact that it is completely natural, no artificial flavors or sweeteners. Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised to see that it contains more sugar than other brands. Surprise, surprise, fruit contains sugar and even most vegetables have sugars. If another shake states that it has 0 grams of sugar I would steer clear as it is likely they are using artificial sweeteners. The problem with artificial sweeteners are that they actually increase insulin production, which in turn stimulates appetite and increases fat storage, completely sabotaging all fitness goals. Shakeology has been certified to have a “Low Glycemic Index (GI) between 14 and 29 (depending on the flavor).” This is lower than several fruits including apples, bananas, grapes, peaches, and pears just to name a few. Shakeology relies only on the natural taste of fruits, veggies, and stevia for its sweetness. Many of us no longer know what real food taste like as are taste buds have been corrupted by overly processed foods. Don’t let the idea of a naturally sweetened shake scare you. Know that by simply adding raw fruits or pure extracts and spices can add a lot of pizazz.

*Video is about 15 min. You don't need to watch the whole thing, but if you want to know what doctors are saying it's pretty interesting.

What are the benefits?

So what should you expect to feel when you start drinking Shakeology? Well everyone is different, but many have reported that is curbed cravings, strengthen their immune system, helped with digestion, and increased energy. I can personally report that I have seen a curb in my cravings as well as increased energy. I use to get tired right around 2-3pm daily, but now I am able to power through the day and that’s even with increasing my daily exercise! However, not all of Shakeology’s effects happened overnight. I have been drinking it regularly for 3 months and I am just now beginning to feel my cravings decline. As for increased immunity, I usually get sick every 4-6 months so the jury is still out on that one.

Perhaps the number one reason I have chosen to incorporate Shakeology into my daily diet is because it is "specially formulated so all of its ingredients work together like a symphony.” Ingredient reacts differently to one another making it is a true science to develop a flawless mix so that all 70+ components work in perfect harmony. It is this harmonious relationship between ingredients that allows your body to better absorb nutrients and not something ​nutritionists and personal trainers Isabelle Daikeler and Darin Olien did not take lightly when they co-created Shakeology.

Aside from all of the health benefits Shakeology offers, it is an easy and flexible way to get the vitamins and nutrients your body needs to perform at its best. At first I thought I would get tired of drinking a shake every single day, month after month, but it is unbelievably versatile. By simply adding fruit, nuts, juices, herbs, spices, or extracts I can create a different shake every day. I know a lot of people that skip breakfast because they say they don’t have time to make it; drinking Shakeology is a great solution. Every weekend I prep all my shakes for the week is separate mason jars adding any fruits or extracts I may want for the day and then each morning before I leave for work I simply add water and ice and blend. Blending them in mason jars makes for easy clean up and travel considering all I have to do is put a lid on and I’m out the door. I also know that finding time to make it to the grocery store for whole foods can be almost impossible, but when you get Shakeology HD (Home Direct) it is delivered straight to your door monthly so you never run out. This means that you get 30 meals on your door step at one time. There’s no way you could buy 30 meals at once from the market without everything going bad before you had the chance to eat it. Plus if you’re using Shakeology as a meal replacement, that’s 30 meals you can deduct from your monthly grocery budget.

I hope by sharing my own experience and research you feel better informed about Shakeology and not only what it is, but what it can do for you. If you have any questions please let me know. I’d be more than happy to answer them and if I don’t have the answer I’ll be sure to find someone who does! If you're interesting in purchasing Shakeology it's as simply as clicking the image below!


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