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The Start of a Lifelong Journey

I'm full of life and headstrong, hence the "spunky." I'm all about trying new things when it comes to food and fitness and I love sharing those experiences with others. 


I was born and raised in sunny Los Angeles. I went to college in Santa Barabra, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles, graduating with a BA in Theatre Arts. Today I'm still living the life in the city alongside my fiance of 6.5 years. 


In January 2014 my fiance and I watched Forks Over Knives and decided we were going to eat as close to vegetarian as manageable. This was the beginning of my personal search to a healthier lifestyle. A few months after watching this amazing documentary a friend from my freshman year at college posted on Facebook asking if anyone was interested in healthy eating and exercise. I felt like she was speaking directly to me. Long story short she introduced me to the 21 Day Fix created by celebrity trainer Autumn Calabrese. For those of you that have never heard about the program, it is a 21-day workout/eating plan. Never in a million years did I see myself standing in front of a T.V. doing workout routines. I scoffed at the idea thinking they were only for housewives and moms. I could not have been more wrong. This program forever changed the way I view eating and exercising and it gave me the confidence and motivation to push forward. I lost 10lbs on the program, but more importantly, I learned how to control my portions and balance my meals.


I was happy with the results, but vowed to lose more and tone up. That summer, I was selected to be part of a testimonial group for another fitness DVD program. Agreeing to do so meant sticking to a strict diet, no sweets or alcohol, and attending a group exercise each morning 6 times a week for 8 weeks. After doing a couple rounds of the 21 Day Fix I thought I would have no problem embarking on this journey, but on the third week I started questioning what I had gotten myself into. I was sore every day and the meals included a lot more meat than I wanted to intake. Over the course of the 8 weeks, I learned how to substitute meals and heal my body for the next day’s workout. At the end of our testimonial period I had lost another 10lbs bringing me down to a healthy 120lbs. What shocked me even more was that I had lost a total of 11” off my body. NONE of my pants fit and I could actually see the outline of abs! Finishing such a demanding routine was a huge motivation to push myself even harder.


I entered 2015 with a positive attitude and new goals. This year my focus regarding food is to further education myself on a vegan lifestyle and work towards finding substitutions when cooking my meals. My exercise goal is to GET TONE! That’s right I want to see some muscles. I’m not trying to look like a female body builder or anything, but I would really like to see some definition in my arms and abs.


Looking back on the past year I realized that I really love educating myself and others about living a healthy life. I chose to begin this site because I want to share my story with others and inspire them to get healthy. Becoming healthy and fit is not a destination, it is a journey that never ends and has its fair share of challenges along the way, but that’s what makes it so much fun! Join me on a fitness journey and let's experience new foods and adventures together.

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