My interest in fitness has grown into a full-fledged passion. That passion seems to have taken my life in a direction that I never saw coming. Last week, I made the decision to sign up for my ACT personal trainer certification.
This isn’t a decision I made on a whim. Remember, when I decide to do something I do it “full throttle.” There’s no in-between for me. I wanted to make sure this was something I could commit to before I spent the time, money, and energy on it.
So far I’ve already finished lesson one and two, about the process of becoming a trainer and how to encourage motivation and behavior change. But this lesson 3, Exercise Science, is no joke and has me wishing I had paid more attention in my high school physiology class. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m excited to learn all the muscles, how they contract, and work with the skeletal system to produce movement, but couldn’t they have simplified the names? I mean gastrocnemius…infraspinatus…extensor carpi radialis longus…really? One thing’s for sure, after only a week of studying I can’t NOT think about which muscles are moving and affecting my joints during my own workouts.
I’m thrilled to take this next step in my fitness career. I love helping people using Beachbody programs and having my personal trainer certification can only benefit me. I will be able to offer my members better guidance, motivation, and extra-personalized workouts.
I have so many ideas and plans about where this small step will take me. Ultimately, I would like to gain other certifications such as cycling and TRX so I can teach studio classes. I also have plans to pursue a nutrition specialization so I am better equipped to help clients in their workouts and their kitchens. I see all this working hand-in-hand with my Beachbody coaching, because let’s face it, who can afford to pay for daily personal training sessions? I would love my members to be able to use their Beachbody programs at home and meet with me 1-2 times a week to complete a workout that I have created, dedicated to fit their fitness abilities and goals.
Make sure to subscribe to my blog to keep up to date on my progress. I’ll be sharing plenty of health and fitness tips the more I learn! You can also follow me on Instagram (@hleonard9) for lots of yummy vegan food ideas and fitness motivation.