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Is Detoxing Worth it?

It seems like nowadays there are detox products and foods just about everywhere you look - soap, tea, spas, shampoo, luxury retreats, you name it! But is detoxing really a thing or simply a fad taking its course?

First of all what is detoxification? In simplest terms it is the process of removing toxic substances from the body and can often be referred to as a cleanse. Toxins may sometimes be called pollutants or even poisons and can reference anything from food and alcohol to medicine. However, items labeled with “detox” never seem to mention which toxins they eliminate. At least if they did, said toxins could be measured before and after to account for effectiveness. Besides, our bodies are already great at removing toxins from the help of our kidneys, liver, intestines, lungs, lymph, and skin. If we were not able to remove toxins naturally we would require a yearly detox or face death. According to Edzard Ernst, emeritus professor of complementary medicine at Exeter University, there is only one respectable type of detox and that is for the medical treatment of people with drug addictions.

While detoxes are not scientifically proven to remove any toxins, they are still immensely popular with people wanting to lose weight. Detoxing usually requires limiting your food intake or restricting yourself to juice and odd concoctions. This will definitely aid in weightloss, but it won’t be because your body is “detoxing,” rather because you're simply not eating. The weight you lose is water weight and here’s why. Low calorie diets force your body to use up glycogen stores and each gram of glycogen is bound to about three grams of water. Not only are you cutting into your secondary long-term energy storage, but as soon as you move back into a regular diet you will gain all your water weight back. Let’s not forget that you are losing important nutrients such as fat, fiber, and protein while following a strict detox regiment and restircting your whole foods intatke. This can cause the body to absorb increased amounts of fructose especially if your juices are comprised mostly of fruit or fruits high on the glycemic index. If your body has too much fructose it begins to produce fat molecules, which only hinders your fitness journey. I think it’s pretty scary when a detox plan has to advise against working out because it could lead to dizziness due to a lack of caloric intake.

The idea of a cleanse or detox is basically just rebooting your diet and after doing so people tend to report feeling more energized. Rather than allow myself to be pulled into the void of detoxing, I choose to live a healthy lifestyle with daily exercise and focused nutrition. Don’t get sacred, this isn’t as hard as you may think. Follow these 5 simple steps and you too can feel refreshed without starving yourself.

  1. Lessen common toxins such as alcohol, caffeine, refined sugar, and saturated fat from animal products. Substitute these things with foods rich in fiber including beets, artichokes, broccoli, and brown rice.

  2. Reduce your use of chemical based cleaners and health care products. There are tons of natural products you can use for cleaning such as baking soda, lemon, and vinegar. Try making your own beauty produces with citrus, coconut oil, ginger, herbs, and even spices!

  3. Relive stress as soon as you feel it. Stress causing your body to release cortisol and epinephrine, which in large amounts acts as a toxin, shutting down metabolic processes such as digestion, growth, and immunity. Try meditation or yoga, maybe even a soothing bath. As cheesy as it sounds, focus on the positive and let negative thoughts come and go with ease.

  4. Drink more water. While I’m sure you’re tired of hearing this it’s true. Water is a great way to flush your system and it’s an easy fix. Try adding just one extra cup a day to start, eventually making your way to eight glasses per day.

  5. Exercise! It is the most important way to detoxify. Make an effort to exercise 30 minutes a day. Even a nice walk during your lunch break will get your heart pumping.

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