Alright everyone we know that summer beach trips, pool parties, and BBQs are just around the corner. So what better time to focus on your health and nutrition than now?! I’m really excited to be hosting my first 21 Day Fix Challenge group July 1st – 21st via Facebook groups. That’s right I’m only asking for 21 days of commitment and you don’t even have to completely give up sweets or alcohol! Are you intrigued yet? Maybe you have a few questions. Let’s see if I can help…
What do I need to be part of the challenge group?
You first need a Facebook account as that is where the group page is being hosted, but let’s be honest who doesn’t have one already? Next you need to purchase the 21 Day Fix, any program option with or without shakeology will do. I am not starting the group until July 1st to give everyone plenty of time to research the program and ask any questions. Third you need to come to the group with positive vibes and motivation. This is no place for Debbie downers as everyone will be encouraged to participate and help motivate others.
What is included in the group?
Everyday there will be a small challenge in which members will create a post for. Example “Monday: Create focus. What are your top 3 goals for the week? Physical, mental, and/or emotional.” This is to keep everyone checking in and accountable. I will also privately check in with each member weekly to see the progress they made and how I can help moving forward. I am here to inspire and motivate you. I will be providing plenty of meal ideas, tips for meal prep and motivation, as well as hosting group workouts for those in the Los Angeles area. I will be giving out prizes at the end of the 21 days to members that participate the most: complete daily challenges, comment on others’ postings, give extra encouragement, and attend group workouts.
What is benefit of the group as opposed to doing the program on my own?
SUPPORT! Committing to anything is tough which is why it is great to have a community of likeminded individuals to support you on the journey. When you see others posting that they powered through a workout or created a delicious healthy meal you’ll be inspired to do the same and commend them on a job well done. We also all have our rough days, especially when starting a new workout/nutrition routine, which is why having a group of people going through the same thing is super helpful! They all understand the challenges and can assist in jumping over that hurdle. Plus it’s FREE so why not? You have nothing to lose.
I’m sold! How do I purchase the program?
Please subscribe to my blog and contact me via the contact form at the bottom of the page. I am registering as a coach in June and will be sure to provide you with all the details on where and how to purchase the program with me as your coach.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding the 21 Day Fix or my challenge group and let's take a step towards a healthier life together!