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Set Goals and Get Focused

I read Instructions for Happiness and Success a few months ago and it truly changed my outlook on life.

I have always been a forward thinker, looking for new ways to progress and take the next step in life. I am a big dreamer and use to have a difficult time solidifying practical goals, setting a plan for follow though, and giving myself a deadline. This book really helped me understand the importance of goal setting and how to do it realistically. So, I made it my goal to actually set goals!

Making a goal doesn’t have to be overwhelming, start simple and think of them as a destination rather than a wish. To settle on a goal you have to first define your priorities. Stick to just your top five to keep things manageable. Try to think of ambitions in various areas of your life such as financial, relationships, career, health, etc. This will allow you to work on all aspects of your life rather than just one.

Now that you have your priorities set it is time to create one goal for each. This is where your “why” comes into play. Why do you want $10,000 in savings? It is so you can take a lavish vacation? Put a down payment on a house? Start a college fund? The reason doesn’t matter, it’s just important that you actually have one and that it’s meaningful to you. It is also vital that you give yourself a deadline. Knowing you have an end date will force you to stay on task. Setting a deadline will also keep you realistic. A target to lose 200lbs in a month is impractical, not to mention unhealthy. Re-examine the goal and adjust it to something like “I will lose 10lbs by the end of the month.” This is much more achievable. Remember, goals shouldn’t be wishes, they need to be attainable.

When it comes time to actually write down your goals try not to be vague. A goal should be as specific as possible so there is a clear image of what you’re working towards. For instance, “I want to write a blog” leaves too much up in the air. What will it be about? When will it be published? Who will the audience be? A better way to write this may be, “I will start a blog featuring local foods for vegans and publish it on the first of next month.” This is precise and has a deadline. It’s also important to note that it's written in the affirmative - “I will” rather than “I want to.” This may seem like such a small thing, but writing a goal in the affirmative will work on your subconscious to help keep you positive and on track to reaching your goal even when things get tough.

Once your goals are solid, you have to come up with a few action steps as to how you are going to accomplish them. Tip: start simple. Action steps are all about forming habits and habits are shaped through pleasant experiences. Say you want to add more exercise to your daily routine by trying a new group fitness class, but you take spin as your first class and you push yourself so hard you can’t get out of bed the next day. This one experience won’t leave you feeling very inspired to attend class next week. You are in charge of your action steps and you have the power to make them enjoyable or hostile. Starting simple keeps things gratifying, making you want to do it again and again, building a habit.

The last step to setting goals is to post them somewhere you frequently pass by. This could be your bathroom mirror, office wall, or refrigerator. The idea is to remind yourself of your goals as often as possible. Just like the saying goes, “out of sight, out of mind.” Don’t let the goals you worked hard to make fade away tucked between old papers in the darkness of your closet. Post them proudly and check them off as they’re completed. Once a goal is marked off, it’s time to make a new one.

Now it's your turn to start making some goals. Check out this awesome free setting goals printable from Abby over at JUST A GRIL and her blog.

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