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Pumpkin Pie Applesauce

Makes: about 4 cups     I     Prep Time: 10 min     I     Cook Time: 10 min



8 Fuji Apples

¼ cup water

1 tsp ground cinnamon

¼ tsp ground ginger

¼ tsp ground cloves

¼ tsp nutmeg

¼ tsp allspice

½ tsp course salt

¼ cup pumpkin puree

1 tbsp agave



  1. Peel and core all apples then slice them into 1” cubes.

  2. Place the apples and water in a saucepan over medium heat, bring to a simmer and cook 5 minutes stirring occasionally.

  3. Add the course salt and all spices, stir to combine, cover and cook an additional 5 minutes or until apples are tender. If the water completely evaporates add another 2 tbsp to prevent burning.

  4. Place the cooked apples and remaining liquid into a blender. Add the pumpkin puree and agave and blend until smooth.

  5. Chill the applesauce at least 1 hour before serving. Store leftovers in a sealed container in the refrigerator.  

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